

Social Media Marketing can be done in both, organic and paid digital marketing efforts on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These platforms can help your website in becoming viral overnight. It’s a matter of time when and how you market your product/services on these platforms. Social Media Marketing is the newest among the three available digital marketing platforms.

Social Media Marketing can’t give instant results but it connects you with more audiences to expose your products to target groups. All social media platforms have their paid marketing packages by opting one can increase their reachability and connect directly with their audience.

Among the above three digital marketing platforms, only Search Engine marketing can show instant result while the other two needs time to rank your page in search engines.

Organic traffic from SEO and social media can help in expanding your business and reaching a larger audience. SEM and SMO, on the other hand, provide faster results that can be measured right away. SEO and SMO are long-term strategies and these strategies necessarily require a time commitment.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Land defines SEO as “…the process of getting traffic from the ‘free,’ ‘organic,’ ‘editorial’ or ‘natural’ search results on search engines.” Essentially, SEO is the process of optimizing your website through various methods in order to rank higher for certain relevant keywords on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. With effective SEO, your website will appear higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) due to its positive relationship to that search engine’s particular ranking algorithm.

There are plenty of ways to improve your website’s SEO for improved organic digital marketing efforts. Initially, you will want to perform keyword research to learn what phrases your customers are likely to type into search engines like Google. You will then want to create engaging, original content for your various web pages that include these highly-searched keywords. Your website’s efficiency, architecture, and mobile optimization are other factors that are well-known to be critical in search engine optimization. Finally, other more nuanced factors like the regular posting of relevant content, effective metadata, and the correct alt-tags will provide a greater boost to your site’s performance related to SEO.

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